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Guide Ropes for Incompetent Hares

(and those who imagine themselves to be anything different)


First Rule of Hashing – There are no rules!  just a long list of recommendations...


Second Rule of Hashing – Your trail will suck and there will be whinging and whining about its shittiness.

At the Berlin hash, as around the world, we enjoy a love-hate relationship with our hares. Without hares there is no hash, but by-god it’s nice to have a good ole bitch about a shitty trail. Common complaints: too long, too short, no beer stop, beer stop (too expensive, long, cold), too far away, boring inner city hash, too easy, too hard, too hot, too cold etc. You will never lay a universally loved trail. However, if you stick to the guidelines below, you might just avoid universal condemnation.


Find a Location

When: The sooner, the better

Decide on a start location and inform us with an email to Trails can be anywhere in Berlin and its surroundings. Remember the Beer Meister needs a parking spot – planning a starting point with parking possibilities is always nice. Feel free to contact the Beer Meister to discuss this. Usually we start close to an S-Bahn or U-Bahn station.



When: Hash day minus 1 week

Hares are encouraged to write a short invitation showcasing their amazing wit and informing hashers about any special details. Send this invitation to, too, so we can use it to announce your run. You may also add an (un)suitable photo, if you like. Be as clear as possible with the location – visitors and virgins also want to find trail and they don’t get last minute location updates on WhatsApp. We suggest virgin hares team up with an experienced hare for their first time.


R*n Day

Lay Trail! Generally both a runners and a walkers trail should be laid (Runners and Wa*kers also like to be laid but this falls outside the scope of Hare responsibilities): 6 – 9 km for runners (better to stay on the short side, trails have a nasty habit of turning out longer than planned) and 3 – 4km for wa*kers. Make sure you're back in time to introduce your trail at Chalk Talk and tell your lies regarding any special details!



Trails are marked with blobs of flour spaced about 25m apart. After a check (marked by a circle), true trail is indicated by three consecutive blobs. Beyond this, feel free to be creative with other markings but remember to explain them to us half-minds at Chalktalk. Some common Berlin markings are FalseTrail, Fishhook, Last 2, CheckBack, HashHome along with Playstop, Swimstop and Hashflash.


Drink stops

Thirsty Hashers have been known to enjoy refreshments on trail. Drink Stops are optional and the hare can be creative. Remember Hash Cash (4€) has to cover the beer/drink stop, the Down-Down beer and the Social Drinking beer. Hares should carry the drinks or cash and will be reimbursed up to 2€ per hasher. If you really want to plan a bar or beer garden stop, please ask Mismanagement well in advance to check the health of the Hash Cash (or pay the difference yourself).  


Beer Meister

The Beer Meister is responsible for bringing beer to circle, for pouring Down-Downs and for allowing hashers to leave possessions in the hash car during trail. Hares don’t need to take any further action – so long as the location is announced, the Beer Meister will magically appear.


and remember... Hares r*n for free!!

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